¿Quién necesita Viagra? 17 alimentos afrodisíacos para darle ‘sabor’ a tu San Valentín

El amor está en el aire y, por qué no, la pasión también. Cuando escuchamos hablar de comida afrodisíaca por lo general pensamos en fresas, ostiones y en alguna comida exótica del caribe.

Pero seguramente ingieres más alimentos en tu dieta diaria sin saber que son también afrodisíacos. Si estás planeando una cena romántica próximamente aprovecha y mezcla estos ingredientes en tus platillos y comprueba tu mismo/a sus efectos.

Artículo en Inglés nydailynews.com

We’ve all heard it. Eat oysters and you’ll start feeling frisky, right?

But do these touted foods really stimulate sexual desire and lead to a better sex life?

The word aphrodisiac derives from the Greek goddess of love, Aphrodite. For centuries people have been searching for foods and magical potions to rev up sexual desire.

From ram’s testicles with honey to ground rhinoceros horn, cultures have claimed increased virility and performance from consuming such concoctions.

But what about more common (and less extinct!) sources of aphrodisiacs?

There are legitimate aphrodisiacs — those foods or chemicals that increase the “urge to merge.” These work by interacting with the body’s hormonal processes.

In women, the main operating hormone is estrogen and in men, testosterone, although other hormones, including progesterone, thyroid and adrenal hormones are involved.

The unique interaction and balance of these hormones are key to healthy sexual desire. With an optimal balance of hormones, the pleasure center of our brain, the limbic system, sends signals to the nervous system and nerves in the pelvic region.

In men, the result is increased blood flow leading to erection. In women, pelvic tissues are stimulated, leading to increased blood flow to the clitoris and vagina.


Chocolate contains a stimulant, phenylethylamine, which induces a sense of well-being and sexual attraction.

Simultaneously, there is a release of neurotransmitters from the brain, norepinephrine and dopamine, sending messages of pleasure and arousal throughout the body.

Research has shown that some of the best-known edible aphrodisiacs do in fact contain vitamins, minerals and other ingredients that contribute to a healthy reproductive system and hormonal balance — ultimately leading to a healthier sex drive.

17 Foods that fuel the fire:

1. Almonds. Almonds have been a symbol of fertility throughout the ages and are a prime source of essential fatty acids, providing the building blocks for hormone production.

2. Asparagus. Asparagus is loaded with Vitamin E, considered one of the sex hormone stimulants, as well as potassium, needed for healthy hormone production.

3. Avocado. The ancient Aztecs named this fruit ahuacatl, or testicle. Avocados have high levels of folic acid, which helps to metabolize proteins providing the body with more energy.

4. Bananas. Bananas contain high amounts of bromelain enzyme, believed to increase libido in men and potassium to help regulate thyroid function. Bananas also have high levels of dopamine, the brain chemical increasing the sense of pleasure.

5. Carrots. Carrots are rich in Vitamin A, an essential nutrient needed for sex hormone production. Vitamin A is also key for good vision, helping you connect with your partner on a visual level.

Honey is made through pollination and is a symbol of procreation.

Honey is made through pollination and is a symbol of procreation.

6. Chili peppers. Capsaicin, the spicy substance that gives chili peppers their sting, stimulates nerve endings to release epinephrine, a chemical that increases heart rate and produces a tingling sensation.

7. Chocolate. Chocolate contains a stimulant, phenylethylamine, which induces a sense of well-being and sexual attraction. Dark chocolate (greater than 65% cocoa) is also high in anti-oxidants, which decreases inflammation, reducing the risk for heart disease and many cancers.

8. Eggs. Eggs have long been considered a symbol of fertility. In India, the Kama Sutra lists sparrow eggs as a potency builder. Eggs are a good source of cholesterol, the building block for sex hormone protection, including estrogen and testosterone.

9. Figs. Figs have high levels of amino acids, critical to increasing libido and boosting sexual stamina. Also, their erotic shape sends out a sensual message.

10. Garlic. The “heat” in garlic is purported to stir sexual desires by increasing the body’s production of nitric oxide, the chemical responsible for blood vessel dilation and essential for erection. Consider skipping the Viagra dose and savor a few cloves of roasted garlic instead.

11. Honey. Honey is made through pollination and is a symbol of procreation. In fact, the word “honeymoon” got its name from mead, an alcoholic beverage made from honey given to the happy new bride and groom. It also contains boron, a vital trace mineral which helps balance estrogen and testosterone levels.

12. Olive oil. Packed with antioxidants, olives and their oil have been used for centuries for health and virility. Olive oil is an excellent source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which are critical for a healthy heart, blood flow and hormone production.

13. Oysters. Oysters have long been considered the food of love. The famous lover, Casanova, ate dozens of oysters a day, seducing a vestal virgin by sliding an oyster from his lips to hers. Oysters are a good source of zinc, a mineral needed for sperm and testosterone production.

Oysters, long considered the food of love, are a good source of zinc, a mineral needed for sperm and testosterone production. Handout

Oysters, long considered the food of love, are a good source of zinc, a mineral needed for sperm and testosterone production.

14. Pomegranate seeds. These ruby gems are loaded with antioxidants that support blood flow and proper circulation. Some studies have even shown a positive effect on erectile dysfunction.

15. Pumpkin seeds. These seeds are high in magnesium — 156 mg in just an ounce! According to Dr. Oz, magnesium helps raise testosterone levels by making sure more enters the blood stream.

16. Strawberries. Berries are high in Vitamin C, an important vitamin need for making sex hormones and chemical neurotransmitters for the brain.

17. Watermelon. Not only does watermelon contain high amounts of water needed for proper hydration, it also has high levels of lycopene, which has a Viagra-like effect on the body, as it relaxes blood vessels and improves circulation.

So go ahead — experiment and get creative in the kitchen with some of these fire-fueling foods. By cooking up some delicious meals with your partner, you’ll not only turn up the heat in the kitchen but also in the bedroom.

Dr. Diana Hoppe, a board-certified obstetrician and gynecologist, is the founder of Amazing Over 40 Inc. (amazingover40.com) a health coaching certification program for women. She also is an author and speaker who has been featured on a number of TV shows, including “Dr. Oz.”

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